
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When in doubt do a course....!

We have had this a Canon 1000D  for 2 years and I have barely used it because I didn't know how. Not one for reading manuals unassisted,decided at Christmas to do a community college photography course with a friend who got a similar camera for Christmas.So in February Mel and I attended Sven's intouductory photography course at Baulkham Hills High on Wednesday nights. Now, after 6 weeks and our field trip to Mrs Macquarie's Chair.

Not only do I know what the buttons are all for, I have even managed to take some half decent photos. It's amazing what you can do with a tripod and a little bit of knowledge about shutter speed!

Next was the school zone swimming carnival for a bit more practice.

Looking forward to the next course later in the year. 

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Jenny! Looking forward to seeing some more. :)
